New Matilda – Publishing Again!

The Australian indi media site New Matilda that ceased publishing new content in June as it continued to struggle to find a business model that could support the publishing structure that it had created without continued financial support by a benefactor has recommenced publishing this week. As Editor Marni Cordell explains, she has taken over financial responsibility for New Matilda as they seek to relaunch the site around a business model that is more reminiscent of those utilised by public broadcasters than of either other new media sites or even traditional media’s online portals. This is a move I support. I am not one who believes hiding content behind a paywall of some description is an intelligent business model, not for established media such as the Murdoch press and certainly not for a small independent outfit such as New Matilda which can do with all the exposure they can muster.

New Matilda promises to return to providing the same news, comment and analysis from an independent standpoint for which they became known before having to close their doors; along with a new focus upon the type of investigative journalism that many believe is all too lacking in today’s centralised media landscape. If Cordell and her team can indeed manage to return New Matilda to its former glory and, perhaps, build upon the very strong reputation they carry with them, they just might be able to find a niche within the Australian media landscape that is not only extremely valuable but also sustainable. This, however, they will not be able to do alone and unsurprisingly New Matilda are looking for people who are able to support their effort. If you value an independent media, like I do, I urge you to support New Matilda, like I have. It’s easy, just click on the link below and Fund Break will help you do the rest.

I wish Cordell and her team the best and look forward to a daily dose of quality independent media.